8:55 am: Line up bell (all students line up outside with school bags)9:00am - 9:55am: Block One.
9:55am - 10:45am: Block Two.
10:45am - 11:35am: Block Three.
11:35am–11:45 am: Eating time (in the classroom).
11:45am -12:15pm: Outside play.
12:15pm -1:05pm Block Four.
1:05pm -1:55pm: Block Five.
1:55pm - 2:05pm: Eating time (in the classroom).2:05 - 2:35pm: Outside play.
2:35-3:25 pm: Block Six.
3:25 pm: All children are dismissed.SCHOOL YARD SUPERVISION -- BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOLPlease note that students are supervised in the yard before school from 8:45 am and after school until 3:45 pm.
Student are to remain outside until brought in by a teacher, unless in the event of extreme weather.SCHOOL OFFICE HOURSThe YJPS office is open on normal school days from 8.30am until 4.30pm.