Teaching at YJPS

What do we teach?

At Yarra Junction Primary School, we teach against the Victorian Curriculum Standards across the domains of Literacy, Numeracy, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education, History, Geography and Environmental Science.


The YJPS staff (Principal, teachers, Learning Specialist and Educational Support Officers) work together to develop a deep reserve of best practices, intervention, and high-quality curriculum resources at their fingertips. Research shows that the effectiveness of the classroom teacher is the single most important factor to support student achievement. Staff at YJ understand their value.


Relationships are our key tool for increased engagement. We understand that children learn in an environment where strong relationships are present. Developing a relationship with each and every students ensures that we have understandings of individuals’ social, emotional and academic skills and knowledge.

How do we teach?

At YJPS we have a belief that all students can learn and achieve. We set high expectations for learning and we challenge our students to apply best efforts. We realise that the outcomes our children deserve, necessitate continuously strong teaching from the time our children start school till they finish.


Victorian Curriculum Standard – aligned assessments, data driven analysis and planning is the cycle we follow to ensure that students receive explicit instruction at their individual point of need.


At Yarra Junction Primary School, lessons are taught using the following instructional model. Whether it be a Reading, Writing, Maths or Visual Arts lesson, educators follow the same lesson structure to ensure the best learning outcomes for our students. By carefully planning and delivering quality lessons through this systematic instructional model, students have the best opportunity for success.


Every classroom, across all levels, follows this instructional model. As the students move through the school, they are familiar and comfortable with the lesson structure, regardless of the teacher, and know what to expect in each lesson.


Each section of the Instructional Model has a specific and important purpose.

To do this well, teachers need to:

  1. Know what the student need to know (Learning Intention)
  2. Create a relevant Learning Intention (I can statement)
  3. Know the curriculum
  4. Have the capacity to identify and communicate the success criteria, or capacity to develop success criteria collaboratively with students
  5. Know how to teach the concept with clarity


At Yarra Junction Primary school we implement the instructional teaching model of gradual release to teach across all learning domains. The gradual release of responsibility model has been overlayed throughout this Instructional Model to engage students in differentiated learning to promote student voice and agency.


It is a model to shift the responsibility for learning from the teachers to the students, but recognises that this will take time and support throughout the learning process. The language of I Do, We Do and You Do comes from this model. Though this model is based on these sequential steps of learning, teachers can move fluently from each step depending upon students’ success with the model.


https://www.yjps.vic.edu.au/source/gradual release.jpg

How do we know our students are learning?

At YJPS planning of teaching and learning is informed by student assessment data. Teachers collaborate at the end of each term to analyse summative assessment data to inform overviews of lessons for the term ahead. In addition teachers meet weekly to evaluate formative assessment to tweak planning to ensure that students receive learning at their individual point of need.


We know our students are learning through both formative and summative assessments. Some of these include:

  • Fountas and Pinnell reading and comprehension assessment
  • Single word spelling test (SWST)
  • Essential Assessment (Numeracy, Reading & Writing)
  • Writing Moderation
  • Feedback
  • Observations
  • Exit slips


As John Hattie states our key to getting results is that:

“It’s all about trusting relationships and oodles of feedback”